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  • Writer's pictureKiirsti Owen

How to stay focused & productive* while working from home

Updated: Jun 2, 2020

Edit: **I originally wrote this before coronavirus hit Canada in a big way, once it did I was struggling with productivity myself, and these tips didn't help much (and I wrote another blog post). These tips may help if you are in a position to be productive and focused, but don't push it. Take care of yourself and put your health (mental and physical) first!**

It seems that I picked a good semester to work from home. I'm in the second year of my Master's degree, and finishing my thesis remotely. My partner and I relocated from Windsor, ON to Truro, NS recently when he got a great job as a Fisheries Biologist out here. Luckily my supervisor has been very supportive of this. It wasn't until after I'd settle into the work-from-home lifestyle that this novel coronavirus hit and working from home is becoming very common!

Given that I'm a step and a half ahead, I thought I'd write a quick post on what I've found helps me be productive while working from home.

1) Set yourself up an office space. Create a comfortable and productive space where you can separate WORK from HOME. Make sure you have everything you need to be productive (computer, charging cord, adequate light, pens, highlighters, notepad, etc.). You'll noticed in the photo of my workspace below that I have elevated my laptop to reduce neck strain. If you're putting in long hours working at home, make sure your space is comfortable and set up to reduce strain on your body.

My current home office setup.

2) Schedule your tasks for each week, day, even each hour. I use Google calendar and schedule every hour of my working day. I usually start my Monday or end my Friday with populating my calendar. Remember that, in a normal workplace, you would likely take a lunch break, so be sure to schedule in breaks for yourself. I even schedule in time for a walk outside to get fresh air. Don't feel that you need to work 9 to 5. Work when you are most productive (if you have that flexibility).

3) Reduce distractions. Working from home adds some distractions that are easier to avoid in the workplace, e.g. household chores, pets, social media. To avoid being constantly distracted by these things, schedule in short breaks to do the dishes, take the dog for a walk, or flip through Facebook. Some people block access to social media sites for certain hours of the day. I have notifications from social media sites turned off so I'm not notified every time someone likes my post or shares something with me.

4) If possible, try to find ways to participate in meetings remotely. For example, being off-campus recently, I have been calling into lab meetings via FaceTime. Last week, I also watched a webinar on tracking technologies in avian conservation from a symposium being held in DC. Skype, FaceTime, Google Hangouts, Join.Me, are all great options.

5) Make lists of goals for each day or week. I even make lists of accomplishments for each week to celebrate the goals I've met.

6) Don't push yourself to work if you're sick. Just because you're home doesn't mean you can't take sick days. Take time off when you need it.

7) If you have others at home (kids, partner, roommates), make sure they understand when your work hours are and to respect your workspace. Communication is important. Unfortunately, pets don't always respect these boundaries...

Of course, everyone is different so this advice might not work for everyone. If you have additional tips or tricks that work for you, please share!

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